New Cambridge English School RPC LYT

No.2087, 9TH CRS,RPC LYT,2ND STG, Vijaynagar, Bangalore - 560040

The ICSE wing has taken this tremendous form in the year 2002 under the magic and mighty hands of this prodigy – The Founder, Managing Trustee Smt G. Louisa Manohari in whom dynamism and compassion has taken an exuberant place. She always has a ready ear and a willing heart. A perfect example of greatness in simplicity and humility.

This institution is a part of the reputed New Cambridge group of schools which stands tall in all its glory and majesty. Being a co-educational institution, it follows the guidelines set by the Council School Certificate Examination. The prime idea is to stimulate the development of multiple intelligence inherent in each child / student and bring forth their concealed talents.

The school made a humble beginning with a strength of merely 170 students and over a span of five years the strength has crossed thousand with an envisioned future.

The teaching faculty is anchored in pedagogy and they blend imagination, creativity and inspiration into the teaching-learning process to ignite a passion for learning in students.

The curriculum of the school has been designed to be broad and balanced where pupil are prepared to meet challenges by equipping them with intellectual enthusiasm, motivational back up, healthy competitive spirit
and so on. With a right combination of self reliance and guidance students develop an enterprising attitude to everything they do.

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